品牌 | EA/德國 |
德國EA重載型實驗室直流電源 PSI90003U 重載型實驗室直流電源PSI 9000 3U系列是一款由微處理器控制的高效實驗室電源,其標準型號配備多種功能和特征。交互式菜單導航功能讓用戶使用起來極其方便、有效??蓪τ脩艉瓦M程文檔進行編輯、存儲,以及再次上載,從而改善重復測試或其它應用。為了達到更大的輸出功率,可配置高達150kW和42U的機柜,以便滿足客戶需求。也可見128頁。德國EA重載型實驗室直流電源 PSI90003U多相輸入340...460VAChh效率高達95.5%hh輸出功率有:0...3.3kW, 0...5kW, 0...6.6kW, 0...10kW,0...15kW, 還可擴展至150kWhh輸出電壓:0...40V 至 0...1500Vhh輸出電流:0...30A 至 0...510A還可擴展至0...5100Ahh靈活的功率調整輸出hh各種保護功能 (OVP, OCP, OPP, OTP)hh直觀的觸摸屏可顯示數值、狀態與通知hh能自動檢測的遠程感測端hh隔離模擬接口??通過 0...10V或0...5V電壓可對U / I / P編程??通過 0...10V或0...5V電壓可監控U / Ihh真實函數發生器hh光伏方陣模擬功能hh內阻模擬與調整hh用戶配置文檔存儲庫hh溫控風扇制冷hh符合SELV標準 (EN 60950)的40V產品型號hh配有USB端口hh可選數字接口模塊hh支持SCPI指令語言帶菜單的圖形顯示器德國EA重載型實驗室直流電源 PSI 9000 3U功率本系列所有產品的輸出功率可靈活變化,在低電流時輸出更高電壓,或在低電壓時輸出更大電流,都由zui大額定輸出功率來限制。其設定功率都可調。因此一臺該儀器能涵蓋大范圍的應用領域。輸入本系列所有型號都采用主動式PFC功率因數校正線路,專為在340V - 460V AC三相供電條件下操作而設計。而且,根據客戶需求,可定制15kW型號或用其組建的機柜組合,適合于588...796V(加上中心點)輸入電壓下操作。直流輸出本系列有多款不同型號,可選擇0...40V和0...1500V輸出電壓,0...40A和0...510A輸出電流,0...3.3kW,0...5kW,0...6.6kW,0...10kW或0...15kW輸出功率的各個型號。輸出端位于產品后板。保護功能為保護連接負載,可設定一過壓保護極限值(OVP)。,以及過流(OCP)與過功率(OPP)保護極限值。一旦因任何緣故超過了這三個極限值中的一個,直流輸出會被立即切斷,在顯示器和接口端還會發出一狀態信號。本產品還有過溫保護,如果產品過熱,它會關斷直流輸出。遠程感測端遠程感測輸入端可直接連到負載設備,以補償連線上一定程度的壓降。如果感測輸入端已接到負載上,本電源會自動檢測并調整輸出電壓,以確保負載獲得準確所需的電壓值。顯示器和控制鍵圖形顯示器清晰顯示輸出電壓/電流/功率的設定與實際值。LCD顯示器為觸摸式,用手指即可輕易控制產品所有功能。可用旋鈕或者直接從數字鍵盤輸入來調節設定電壓、電流和、功率或內阻(內阻模擬)。為避免誤操作,可鎖定所有操作控制鍵。模擬接口產品后面板上裝有一隔離模擬接口。它提供模擬接口輸入腳,接上0V...10V或0V...5V控制電壓,可設置0...100%的設定電壓、電流與功率。模擬輸出腳接上0V...10V或0V...5V電壓,可監控輸出電壓與電流。此外,還有幾個輸入腳和輸出腳,可用來控制和監控產品狀態。
除了基于任意發生器產生的標準函數外,它還可形成某些復雜的函數,并分為多達100組序列。這些一般用于研發和生產的測試上。通過前板的USB端口可將這些序列上載使用或存儲于一標準U盤上,這樣方便更換不同的測試序列。下圖是一個任意發生器可實現的由40個序列組成的復雜曲線,僅為虛構范例??梢栽诋a品外面或者于產品上創建,然后上載使用或保存:Additionally to the standard functions, which are all based upona so-called arbitrary generator, this base generator is accessiblefor the creation and execution of complex sets of functions,separated into up to 100 sequences. Those can be used fortesting purpose in development and production.The sequences can be loaded from and saved to a standardUSB flash drive via the USB port on the front panel, making iteasy to change between different test sequences.The figure below shows a fictional example of a complex functionof 40 sequences, as it can be realised with the arbitrarygenerator. The function can be created on the device or externallyand then loaded or saved:
此外還有一個XY發生器,能產生如UI或IU這類的函數,一般用戶以表格(CSV文檔)形式定義,然后從U盤上上傳。針對光伏相關的測試,還可形成PV曲線,當做用戶可調關鍵參數。甚至通過后續的固件更新,可安裝更多的曲線特性,供用戶選擇。There is furthermore a XY generator, which is used togenerate other functions like UI or IU, which are definedby the user in form of tables (CSV file) and thenloaded from USB drive.For photovoltaics related tests, a PV curve can be generatedand used from user-adjustable key parameters.Even more characteristics can be installed for userselection by applying future firmware updates.
擴展功能按照客戶需求可將多個產品組合成不同的機柜,zui高可做成42U的機柜,從而獲得高達150kW的總功率。如想獲得更高的總輸出功率,可以將PSI 9000 2U與PSI 9000 3U系列某些合適的型號(每臺5-15kW)組合安裝到機柜內。也可見128頁說明。ExtensibilityThe singles units can be combined into various configurationsupon request, also in cabinets of up to 42U,in order to build systems of up to 150kW total power.In order to achieve even higher total power output, thePSI 9000 2U can also be extended in the cabinet withsuitable models from series PSI 9000 3U (5-15kW perunit). See page 128.
監控特性所有型號都有電壓電流階段監控,可以檢測是否過壓或過流,以及欠壓或欠流。監測到的結果會通過多個可選方式通知用戶:- 只顯示信號;即使錯誤仍存在,也不影響輸出。- 警告一直持續,消除錯誤后必須確認該警告信息。- 報警會暫時性地關斷輸出,也可發出聲頻信號。Supervision featuresAll models offer supervision features for voltage and currentsteps. The supervision is configurable to monitor voltage orcurrent over- and undershooting. As a reaction, the device cangenerate a notification of selectable type:- Signals are displayed only; even if the fault is still active, withoutaffecting the output.- Warnings remain active and must be acknowledged after thefault is removed.- Alarms will shut off the output instantly and can also be signalledacoustically.選購件• 適合RS232、CANopen、Modbus TCP、Profibus、 Profinet/IO、Devicenet或Ethernet的絕緣數字接口模塊。接口插槽位于產品后板,方便用戶插上新模塊或替換當前模塊。產品會自動檢測接口,并提示需要進行少許的配置或不用配置。也可參考122頁。• 高速躍變(僅針對1kW以上產品,見132頁)*• 水冷模塊**Options• Digital interface modules for RS232, CANopen, Modbus TCP,Profibus, Profinet/IO, Devicenet or Ethernet. The interface slotis located on the rear panel, making it easy for the user to plugin a new interface or to replace an existing one. The interfacewill be automatically detected by the device and requires noor only little configuration. See page 122.• High Speed ramping (see page 132) *• Water Cooling **
EA-PSI 9000 3U 3.3kW - 150kW重載型實驗室直流電源 / Heavy Duty laboratory DC POW ER SUPPLIEs技術參數Technical Data Series EA-PSI 9000 3U / 系列AC輸入電壓Input AC- 電壓- Voltage standard 340...460V, 2ph-3ph- 頻率- Frequency 45...65Hz- 功率因數- Power factor >0.99DC輸出電壓Output voltage DC-精確度- Accuracy <0.1%- 負載0-100% 時的穩定度- Stability at 0-100% load <0.05%- 在±10% Δ UIN時的穩定度- Stability at ±10% ΔUIN <0.02%- 負載從10%-100%調整需時- Regulation 10-100% load <2ms- 負載從10-90%上升需時- Slew rate 10-90% zui長30ms- 過壓保護- Overvoltage protection 可調,范圍為0...110% Unenn / adjustable, 0...110% Unom- 直流端關閉時空載放電需時- No load discharge time on DC off 100% U 針對 / to <60V; 少于10s / less than 10s輸出電流Output current- 精確度- Accuracy <0.2%- 負載0-100% Δ UA時的穩定度- Stability at 0-100% ΔUOUT <0.15%- 在±10% Δ UIN時的穩定度- Stability at ±10% ΔUIN <0.05%輸出功率Output power- 精確度- Accuracy <1%過壓類別Overvoltage category 2保護功能Protection OT, OVP, OPP, PF, OCP (2隔離耐壓Isolation- 輸入對外殼- Input to enclosure 2500V DC- 輸入對輸出- Input to output 2500V DC- 輸出對外殼- Output to enclosure DC-對PEzui大耐壓為400V / Max.400V on DC- against PE污染等級Pollution degree 2保護級別Protection class 1模擬編程 Analog interface 內置15-針D-Sub母插 / Built in, 15-pole D-Sub, female-輸入范圍- Input range 0...5V 或 0...10V (可轉換) / 0...5V or 0...10V (switchable)- U / I 的精確度- Accuracy U / I 0...10V: <0.2% 0...5V: <0.4%- 可編程分辨率- Programming resolution 見下表 / See tables below串聯操作Series operation可實現,任意直流負對PEzui大有300V DC的電壓轉移 / yes, with truemaster-slave with max. potential shift of 400V against PE on any DC minuspole并聯操作Parallel operation 可實現,通過真實主從操作,可連接多達10臺產品(經共享總線) /yes, with true master-slave, up to 10 units (via Share bus)安全標準Standards EN 60950, EN 61326認證證書CertificationsEN 61326, IEC 1010, EN 61010EMC通過TÜV認證,且符合 / EMC TÜV approved according toIEC 61000-6-2:2005IEC 61000-6-3:2006 等級 B制冷Cooling 風扇,也可選:水冷 / Fan, optional: water工作溫度Operation temperature 0...50°C儲存溫度Storage temperature -20...70°C相對濕度Relative humidity <80%, n.c.使用高度Operation altitude <2000m產品尺寸 (寬x高x長) (1 Dimensions (W H D) (1 19“ 3HE/U 609mm(1 僅為外殼尺寸,非產品整體尺寸 / Enclosure only, not overall(2見第133頁/ See page 133EA-PSI 9000 3U 3.3kW - 150kW重載型實驗室直流電源 / Heavy Duty laboratory DC POW ER SUPPLIEsEA-PSI 9000 3U 3.3kW - 150kW重載型實驗室直流電源 / Heavy Duty laboratory DC POW ER SUPPLIEs